A new fresher looking site design was launched this morning. We hope you all like the new appearance. It may seem like some of the buttons are missing, such as "Clear Rack" and "Clear Move", but don't worry, they've just been integrated differently:
The solutions list now acts like a toggle switch. You can click on a move to show it (it will appear light green) and click it again to remove it.
A clear rack button will now appear to the right-hand side of the rack, but only if there are tiles to clear.
The clear board button is now at the top right-hand corner of the board.
The "Game Design" button, and the "Show tiles left in bag" link have gone, but we've added them to their own tabs above the solutions list.
saytr02 at 13:02 on 15 May 2011
After a few minutes to look around I think the change is better, thanks for update..
texaseliz at 13:36 on 15 May 2011
What happened to clear move?
texaseliz at 13:37 on 15 May 2011
Found it=) Great job updating word feud so that you can now sort by value or score. kudos
4-lukes at 16:56 on 15 May 2011
why cant I type the words my opponents have played into the board....
4-lukes at 16:57 on 15 May 2011
This WAS a great site....is it just a bug?
pleitgeb at 19:48 on 15 May 2011
Whats the point of updating the "clear rack" button and eliminating the "clear board" button. Seems counter intuitive.
@4-lukes I have sent you an email.
pale_rider02 at 01:11 on 16 May 2011
I wish the "save" & "save game as" were swapped save closest to the board..
indykar at 13:20 on 16 May 2011
How do you "delete a game" now with your new and so-called refreshing update to Scrabulizer? Why didn't you just leave the buttons on the face of the game instead of creating confusion and not alerting users to the change(s) prior to initiating "change?"
indykar at 13:26 on 16 May 2011
Okay, "my bad" on the prior comment so disregard the "delete game" question. But I agree with "pleitgeb's" comment above as removing the two buttons mentioned is confusing and basically makes no sense at all. And adding them back shouldn't be an issue, nor would be just adding a "clear board" or "delete game" button on the game window, which would bring Scrabulizer back to a level where all users could function with relative ease and much less confusion.
Just sayin'
We are listening to all comments, and will be making further changes. The idea was to create a cleaner more intuitive interface, without losing any existing functionality.
hpy2bsal at 15:11 on 16 May 2011
I agree with the suggestion of swapping "save" and "save game as." It also seems that the placement of the board is now lower on the page so every time I want to see it in its entirety I have to scroll down. I also liked the "clear board" and "clear rack" buttons as well. Changes made why???
saytr02 at 19:33 on 16 May 2011
Is the "clear move" gone? I miss that one..
saytr02 at 19:40 on 16 May 2011
Whoops found "clear move" "X" on solutions tab beside word.
ronyagdraw at 21:59 on 16 May 2011
excellent - really like the new look
Aurora! at 20:21 on 17 May 2011
I like most of the changes, but I would like to see a return of the "Clear Board." When repeatedly playing against the same opponent, it is easiest just to keep the same saved game going rather than having to save a new one and delete the old one. Not a big deal, but that's the way I preferred it.
The clear board button will be making a return. The save buttons have now been swapped. We do listen :)
ba21 at 02:59 on 18 May 2011
stevenbaker at 11:10 on 19 May 2011
I think it would be interesting, after you load your board tiles onto the screen, it does a quick check of existing games and reports back whether your opponent is already using this service. Call it a cheater checker, just to keep everyone honest. Of course, you could just add an extra tile or two to throw things off, but you could counter with a % match.
It would generate a lot of traffic, and bring the game into a mexican standoff, of sorts.
Apollonius at 03:46 on 20 May 2011
YAY! The "Clear Board" button is coming back! :)
Now if only the "Clear Move" button would...
twinunltd at 13:25 on 20 May 2011
Clear board??? Thx!
@Apollonius You can clear a move by clicking it again in the solutions list. Clicking a solution once shows it on the board, clicking it again removes it and places the tiles back on the rack.
bassgoonist at 16:03 on 20 May 2011
Wow, I've always loved this site. Now it seems more games have a strategic point value also! Thanks so much for making this great site.
The Clear Board button is now back. You'll find it next to the top right-hand corner of the board.
TijerasTess at 22:02 on 20 May 2011
Thank you for the trash cans for Clear Rack and Clear Board! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
pale_rider02 at 22:39 on 20 May 2011
Looks clean and lean, nice touch with trashcan icons,my fav is "save game" next to rack, smooth machine (ergonomic) now. Thanks..
hiiamlindz at 04:12 on 21 May 2011
Ever since the site update, when I try to come to the site via the scrabulizer.com url, I get the following message.
"Requested Range Not Satisfiable
None of the range-specifier values in the Range request-header field overlap the current extent of the selected resource."
I tried from multiple computers on different service providers. If I google the site and come via the blog link, it works fine.
@hiiamlindz We have sent you an email.
crkinard at 06:41 on 23 May 2011
Fix the entry field for your tiles so it works on the iPhone again. Or is his a way to force us to buy your app?
@ckinard It has been tested on iPhone and continues to work. If you are experiencing difficulties you may like to try clearing your cache (Settings > Safari > Clear Cache).
Aurora! at 16:23 on 23 May 2011
As long as you're listening to user feedback (thank you), any update on that Android app? To say it is highly anticipated and demanded is an understatement.
saytr02 at 17:20 on 25 May 2011
Any chance of adding new feature, such as holding "ctrl" key while entering letters so they go down instead of across.. Just a thought for a nice add on..hmm...
@saytr02 You can switch between entering letters across and down using the cursor keys. Press the down cursor key to switch to vertical text entry and the right cursor key to switch back to horizontal.
pale_rider02 at 12:35 on 2 June 2011
thanks for that tip, philr, I didn't know that either.
ScrabbleCar at 14:25 on 3 June 2011
I don't know what changed, but I can't enter letters on the board or on the rack. I've restarted IE, tried firefox, and restarted my computer. When i type on the rack, nothing happens; when I try to type on the board, it changes the value of the square to double or tripple letter or double, tripple, quad, etc. word score. Is anyone else having this problem?
@ScrabbleCar I have sent you an email. If anyone else is experiencing this issue please get in touch with us (either post a comment here, or use our contact form at http://www.scrabulizer.com/static/contact_us).
We believe that the problems reported by @ScrabbleCar (being unable to type letters on the board and rack and seeing the bonuses change instead) were caused by a program called GuardedID that was recently distributed as part of Comcast's Constant Guard package.
In order to use Scrabulizer, you will need to disable or remove GuardedID. It may be possible to disable it by following the instructions on GuardedID's website at http://www.guardedid.com/support_faq.aspx#EBADA. Comcast have also published instructions for uninstalling GuardedID at http://customer.comcast.com/Pages/FAQViewer.aspx?Guid=9f60256f-7616-4445-b324-511011ff2c8a.
Please note that it is not just Scrabulizer that is broken by GuardedID. There are many reports on the Comcast Forum (http://forums.comcast.com/t5/Security-and-Anti-Virus/bd-p/13) of GuardedID breaking other sites and applications (including many games).
Mattarotts at 02:47 on 14 June 2011
Nicely done on the changes. Suggestion -- when playing tiles on the board, it would be nice to set directionality of the word (right or down) to reduce mouse clicks and "Enters."
@Mattarotts You can switch between entering letters across and down using the cursor keys. Press the down cursor key to switch to vertical text entry and the right cursor key to switch back to horizontal.
8cepwr at 21:01 on 17 June 2011
This Game Gives You The Most Points Ever!
Sistermenorah at 03:11 on 27 June 2011
I'm liking the changes, but I can't figure out how to lock my board so no one else can get in. I can't find it in Profile or Preferences, and there's nothing in Help. Is there a way of securing it?
@Sistermenorah When you logged in to the website last time, did you tick the 'Remember me' option? Doing this means that you won't be prompted to log in when you visit the site.
If you'd like to be prompted to log in each time you visit Scrabulizer, then first of all click on Logout (on the right hand side of the green bar at the top of the page). Next time you log in, make sure that the 'Remember me' option is unticked and you will be automatically logged out when you close your browser.
charlotte1 at 14:58 on 28 June 2011
the togel is not working, as it doesn't clear my last move, but continues with another word with only the letters that we left over. Please give us back the clear move button.
@charlotte1 I have sent you an email.
ElremWolrab at 04:07 on 4 July 2011
For the Words with friends game, the Clear Rack button DOES NOT
appear at the right side of the rack - it needs to be moved to
that location because it is concealing rack letters. Thanks.
@ElremWolrab We don't see this problem when we test the site. We have sent you an email.
ElremWolrab at 20:16 on 4 July 2011
In regard to the Clear Rack Button:
I have not used the iPod enough to notice if the problem occurred there, but it WAS occurring on Internet Explorer.
However, someone has resolved the problem, because the button is now properly positioned at the right end of the rack.
Thank you for your attention and response. :)
ElremWolrab at 20:33 on 4 July 2011
It is me again. I was wrong. When the screen magnification is at the normal 100%, the clear rack button is correctly positioned at the right end of the rack. However, when I zoom to 125% or 150%, the button is over the rack instead of at the end of the rack. So, with magnification, the button does not remain at the end of the rack. I apoligize. Thank you for your response. :)
@ElremWolrab Thanks for identifying what was causing the problem. This is actually a bug in the (quite old) version of Internet Explorer you are using (version 7). We have made a change to the site to avoid the bug - the clear rack button should now stay in the correct position when you zoom in.
skyung24 at 02:45 on 16 July 2011
Every time I try to load a picture from my camera roll on my iPhone 4 it gives the error message: No Interpreter and says the image isn't recognized and asks if I want to report it to you guys. What's going on? I've cleared everything out and tried and it still won't work. REALLY annoying and I've tried it from 3 different game screens.
@skyung24 Are you trying to load in Words With Friends games? A new update to the Words With Friends iPhone app was released recently. Unfortunately, this made a few changes to the screen layout, which is likely to be the cause of the error you are now seeing.
We have submitted a new version of the Scrabulizer app to Apple for review (they have to approve all app changes). This new version will fix the issues introduced by the Words with Friends update.
Apple usually approve updates within 10 days. Once they have approved it, the new version of Scrabulizer will be available as a free update from the app store.
tommyt1213 at 18:40 on 27 October 2011
i cant type any of the words onto the game board at all
Scrabblebbbb at 23:03 on 27 June 2023
Why don't you get the option for swapping. Even if you draw EEEEEAA. I think swapping will be the best option but it doesn't give you that