Online Scrabble has been a hot topic ever since Scrabulous came to Facebook and became a massive hit, currently boasting 700,000 active daily users! With any game there will always be people looking for a way to cheat, and sites created specifically for cheating started to spring up.
Scrabulizer was created a couple of years before this revolution started, and was actually designed to solve Scrabble puzzles like those you find in newspapers and magazines rather than for cheating in real games. The dawning of Scrabulous meant Scrabulizer's popularity grew a lot, even getting press in national newspapers. For good or bad, Scrabulizer was becoming a haven for the Scrabble cheat and the site changed accordingly, becoming even more cheat-tastic by adding game saving, and strategy analysis.
We try to encourage everyone to play fair, and like to offer more than just a cheat site, by including extra goodies like puzzles. It's a great tool for learning and practicing Scrabble, as well as for improving your vocabulary, not just for cheating.
So do Scrabble cheaters ever prosper? Answers on the back of a stamped address envelope, or posted in the comments below.
Prosperous Cheaters?
18 March 2008
Cyphus at 14:55 on 19 March 2008
Well, the cheaters may win their games, but I'm sure it detracts somewhat from the point of playing. Likewise with solving published Scrabble problems.
However, sites like this are a nice way of improving your game, helping you discover moves that you'd never have though of.
As with so many things, it's not the tools, it's what you do with them.
Maryba at 01:33 on 31 March 2008
I am playing against someone I know has to be cheating...i know i am.. how can i find out if he/she is using scrabulizer as well....this person just does too well to be doing it straight...that is how i discovered scrabulizer in the first place....I am trying to con this person into giving me their favorite password..
beulah at 14:49 on 15 April 2008
my friend told me about this
How can a person find out who is using this site?
Nunquam at 16:32 on 23 April 2008
Con someone into giving you their password? Isn't that slightly more immoral than cheating @ Scrabble/Scrabulous?
I'd have imagined (if you read the disclaimer when you join this site) that there is a security policy in place so no one can find out who's using it!
Altho I would have thought it perfectly obvious if someone is using it, just going on the words they are coming up with in the game. And I would say, if you think someone is cheating and you're using Scrabulizer then you've probably not got GOOD reason to call THEM a cheat eh?
Other than that.... GREAT tool! ONLY use it when I'm stuck, which isn't very often.
Trianglehead at 22:48 on 29 April 2008
Actually, I started by using Scrabulizer to cheat on a Scrabulous game against someone I simply had to beat, but since then I use it after I place my word to see what the most valuable move would have been. It's improved the way I look at placement and strategy ten-fold. So overall this cheater has prospered and improved his ability to win at the board game out in the real world, as well as doing well on Scrabulous under my own power. ;)
Roz66 at 02:17 on 20 May 2008
I love this site
When I first started playing scrabble I was terrible, no strategy at all. Playing the puzzles on here have improved my game tremendously.
iamafractal at 13:19 on 1 August 2008
Now that scrabulous has been shut down by the inferior hasbro original facebook game, the developers have moved over to a new version called wordscraper..
I'd still like to use scrabulizer for my wordscraper games, but because you can lay out your own boards now, things are radically different and scrabulizer would need to be updated to work along with it... already, tens of thousands of users have migrated over to wordscraper, so there's not doubt it will be big.
it would be very cool if scrabulizer had a way to read the board layout directly from the facebook game, but in lieu of that, maybe if it had the same time saving layout features such as "auto complete" at least it wouldn't be so tedious.
TomatoQueen at 14:10 on 2 August 2008
Expanded functionality for us NorthAmerican Scr*b*L**s refugees will be wonderful and I hope it happens, but I would not expect it soon. An announcement or site update would be helpful: if there are plans in the works to accommodate the new game, it would be comforting to know.
Just a note to let you all know that we have started work on allowing custom board layouts as it seems like a popular request. Unfortunately strategy analysis won't be available on custom layouts (at least at first) and we still have some decisions to make on the user interface, but rest assured we won't be using round tiles.
More info will follow in the form of a blog post, closer to
the release date, which with any luck will be in a few weeks.
cazzybabe at 18:12 on 23 June 2009
I hadn't played scrabble for years and when I started playing someone, I was shocked at all the words that are acceptable and don't exist in the Oxford dictionary. I was so fed up getting beaten every game with strange words I found Scrabulzer. I can't believe how much its improving my game. The novelty of letting the computer do the work soon wears off and intelligent use then takes over.
tayev at 22:27 on 4 October 2009
Everyone once in awhile, the 'save game' option doesn't show for me. 'Save gave as' is always there but when the 'save game' option is missing and I click 'save game as' the whole screen goes gray and I have to close the window and open a new one. Somedays this will continue for a day or so before it straightens back out. I opened scrabulizer on my laptop at the same time and everything is fine. So what is missing or not configuring, on my desktop, on occasion, to cause this? Anyone have any ideas?
gerald at 19:41 on 1 March 2010
Had no idea this kind of thing was around, I knew the technology was there and or being free, I was amazed.
Cheating? It depends on the rules and game style: if online, not much you can do about it; only your conscience will dictate how you play.
As for the board version of scrabble you must play with your wits and since you cannot look at a dictionary before or after your play, using this site for online versions has helped me when i do play the board version. I look at the board with such anticipation now.
I recommend it for training and increasing ones word knowledge.
madivad at 17:45 on 28 April 2010
How to know if someone is using this site? Well, most people use the same username in most places they visit. Try creating an account in that username! If the name exists (and the name is relatively unique), well, you've probably found your guy!
As for this site, it was shown to me by a guy that was cheating against me. I confronted him, I knew he was cheating... He fessed up and showed me his tool... Scrabulizer to the rescue.
I have only just started looking at the puzzles, they are WAY COOL!!!
elzarcothepale at 20:06 on 3 August 2010
I have a question/suggestion: Is it possible to include a feature that keeps track of the tiles that we the player can't see? Everything in the bag and opponents' racks? I mean, of course you can't be sure about which your opponent(s) has, but having an idea of possible retaliation words would greatly change the way we select solutions.
Unless I am completely missing the purpose of the rating system. . .
@elzarcothepale, there is a "Show tiles left in bag" link, just under where you choose how to sort the results.
The rating system does include knowledge of what is left in the bag when determinining the move's value.
jansha at 10:33 on 17 March 2011
for some reason at the moment this willn not work with lexulous on facebook after today theu changed the layout some any reasons you know of why
karenlindsey71 at 09:06 on 5 October 2011
i cant get it to work
Snapplicious at 00:10 on 10 April 2012
This tool has increased my vocal! I enjoy using it to make sure I have made the best choice (after I choose my word of course, otherwise it's not me playing)...sometimes I see words I would never have dreamed of, I have played words with friends that shows u "hints" before u play.. Now that's interesting too...
It helped me "see letter combinations" e
Easier at a glance too